I get rather grumpy when I don’t get to sit down at my drawing table and draw for a couple days. I get pissy and bitter and just generally not that pleasant. I know this. My wife knows this. My kids probably don’t know this because they are kind of oblivious (or they just think I’m grumpy all the time). And yet, sometimes, it’s unavoidable. Life gets in the way. Long weekends visiting the parents, for instance(4th of July weekend). I can usually keep my non-drawing grumpies at bay for a day, maybe even two, but beyond that, it’s just impossible. Drawing and making comics are my drug of choice and, man, when I need that fix, I need that fix. Oh, sure, I could bring all my shit with me and draw wherever I am, right? What, you think I haven’t tried that? I need to be in my space, to have the right set-up in place. I’m rigid and particular and a perfectionist. That’s enough things to be without adding grumpy asshole to the mix. So, I shall just lock myself in my studio and draw and be happy (well, at least, not grumpy).