So, I am ever-so-slowly continuing to plug away at Carbon. I used to feel like there was this clock I was working against when making my comics, but that clock has either crapped out or been put away for now. I don’t exactly feel like there is any real need to produce X amount of pages a month or force myself to stick to some production deadline. Doing that shit just leads me to feel like a failure when I fall short of those self-imposed goals. So, screw it. The clock’s gone. Carbon is still moving forward, I’m still working on it, in some way, every day. And I’m really excited about where it’s going now. It may take years to complete it, but that’s okay with me. That’s just the kind of comics I like to make – long-form sprawling narratives.

Anyway, the scene I’m working on right now has a flashback sequence in it involving detectives. My kinda comics!